Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Celebrities appeal to Obama to #endthewarondrugs

Over 175 celebrities including civil rights leaders, some business leaders and academics have co-signed a letter to President Obama urging treatment and prevention of drugs instead of an enforcement-oriented approach, redress for thousands of low-level federal crack defendants who did not get relief from the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, fixing the Presidential commutation of sentence and pardon process, support for the "principles" of the Justice Safety Valve Act of 2013 (S. 619, Senators Paul and Leahy), and the Youth PROMISE Act (H.R. 1318, Rep. Scott + 56 cosponsors). They are using the name and the hashtag #endthewarondrugs.

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Thursday, April 04, 2013

The House I Live In -- on PBS on Mon., Apr. 8

If you haven't seen it yet, WATCH the "House I Live in" on PBS, Independent Lens, on Monday, April 8 at 10 pm. It includes Neill Franklin, Julie Stewart and David Simon. I think it is the best documentary about the war on drugs!

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Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Mandatory minimum sentence discussion on WAMU-FM 88.5, 10-11 a.m. EST, April 4, 2013, FAMM's Julie Stewart on the Diane Rehm Show

FAMM president Julie Stewart will be discussing mandatory minimum sentencing laws on The Diane Rehm Show on Thursday, April 4 from 10-11 a.m. EST. For more information and to listen to the show online tomorrow, click here.

Joining Julie for the discussion are Scott Burns, executive director, National District Attorneys Association, and Adam Gelb, director of the Public Safety Performance Project at The Pew Center on the States. Mr. Burns is a former Utah state prosecutor and was responsible for coordination and implementation of the President's National Drug Control Strategy under President George W. Bush. Mr. Gelb is known for his extensive work on sentencing and criminal justice issues for The Pew Center.

Julie will also have the chance to discuss new federal efforts to give judges more discretion -- The Paul-Leahy Justice Safety Valve Act of 2013 (S. 619). Click here for information on the bill.

It's going to be a great show! I hope you will listen and participate by letting The Diane Rehm Show know what you think about mandatory sentencing laws. During the program, post a message on Diane Rehm's website, Facebook page or Twitter.

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